what is it?
- This disease is charcterised by fever and sweating
- This disease had a high mortality rate
- Symptoms incude cold shivers, guidiness, headaces, pains in the neck and exhaistion
When did it occur?
- This disease occured five times between 1485 and 1551
- It was last seen in England in 1578
- There was an outbreak in 1551 at Chester
- Many members of the royal court caught this disease
- General dirt and sewage
- May have been brought from french mercnaries from war of the roses
- It was more common in the rich rather than the poor so it was more noted.
Puerperal Fever
What is it?
- This is also known as child bed fever
- affected women during and after pregnancy
- Form of Septicaenia
- Symptoms: headaces, sore throat, rash and vomiting, diarrhoea, leg and abdominal pains, raisied temprature, fast pulse and fast breathing
- the result was normally death.
When did it occur?
- Jane Seymore died in 1537 after giving birth to Edward VI
- Catherine Parr died of this in 1548
- Very common as women would make arrangements for child to be cared for if died during birth
- common in peasents due to poor hygiene
- Poor Hygeine
- Poor medical care
- doctors not preasent at birth only when there were complications
- untreatable
What is it?
- Rash, high fever, muscle pain, headace, pneumonia and excess bleeding
- Several relatives survived of Henry VIII, including his sister margret as well as Anne of Cleaves
- There was an outbreak in 1528
- Caused by infection- variola virus, inhalation of the virus
- People were wrapped in red curtains as they belived that the colour red was curing
What is it
- known as the bubonic plague
- an infectious fever caused by disease
- symptoms: swollen lymph glands, fever, blackening, back pain as well as pain in arms and legs
- transmitted by fleas on rats
- passed from rats to humans causing an epidemic
- local outbreaks occured every few years
- the ilness would strike suddenly
- in 1555 the population decreased due to disease but this did not prevent inflation, however it did slow itdown.
- this lead to eonomic refoem where the value of coins was increased
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